Here's some drawings that I've made based off of video game characters that I like:


notez:this is based off of a SFM2 render that I've found a while ago on Twitter. Not sure if it was either made by @Komegatze or @KinoFabino but if I ever find the original post you can bet your anus I'll post the link to it.


notez: G-man drawing I made a while ago that I have unfortunately lost :(




notez: loved the Postal games so much that I even bought them on Steam on a sale. Doodled this in like, less than 3 minutes in class at some point.


notez: doodled this Sonic for a little school presentation about the dangers of Crack Cocaine back in middle school.

notes: tried making this sketch based off of Freeman fanart I found on the net once. Never finished it, never will.


notez: mario and Luigi sketches I made back in middle school but don't remember exactly when. I remember that I had fun while making these as far as I know.


notez: yes I am something of a Vinesauce/Vargskelethor Joel enjoyer

notez: I always wanted to take a bite off of a Toad's (from the Mario series) head

notez: Loved playing Brawl Stars back when it first came out. Now its an oversaturated pile of fecal matter.